Fee Management Project in Servlet
Download Source Code
Download this project (developed using Eclipse IDE) CLICK HERE
Download Snapshot (how project works)
Download document file with snapshots (How project works?) CLICK HEREObjective/ Vision
A fee management application where admin can add/edit/view/delete accountant and accountant can add/view/edit/delete student, check due fee and logout.
Users of the System
- Admin
- Accountant
Functional Requirements
1. Admin- Can login
- Can add/view/edit/delete accountant
- Can logout
- Can login
- Can add/view/edit/delete students
- Can check due fee
- Can logout
Tools to be used
- Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Eclipse /Myeclipse / Netbeans etc.
- Oracle or MySQL for the database. Here we are using Oracle 10g database. Assuming that username is system and password is oracle.
Front End and Back End
- Front End: Servlet with HTML5, CSS and Bootstrap
- Back End: Oracle 10g
How project works?
To get detail explanation about project, download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanation.
Some screenshots are given below:

How to run this project
Create fee_accountant and fee_student tables in Oracle 10g database. Here id column for fee_accountant and rollno for fee_student must be generated using sequence.
Import the project on the Eclipse IDE and run it.
credit:- javatpoint GNIIT HELP
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