eLibrary Project in Servlet
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Download Screenshot (how project works)
Download screenshot (How project works?)CLICK HEREObjective/ Vision
A library management software where admin can add/view/delete librarian and librarian can add/view books, issue, view issued books and return books.
Users of the System
- Admin
- Libraian
Functional Requirements
1. Admin- Can add/edit/view/delete librarian
- Can logout
- Can add/edit/delete/view books
- Can issue books
- View issued books
- Return Books
- Can logout
Tools to be used
- Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Eclipse /Myeclipse / Netbeans etc.
- Oracle/MySQL for the database.
Front End and Back End
- Front End: Servlet, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Back End: Oracle
How project works?
To get detail explanation about project download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanation.
Some screenshots are given below:

How to run this project
Open tablesoracle.sql file located inside projectfolder/WebContent. See the table query there. Create each table manually in Oracle database.
Import the project on the Eclipse IDE and run it.
Use admin@jtp.com and admin123 for username and password of admin.
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