BorderLayout (LayoutManagers)
Java LayoutManagers
The LayoutManagers are used to arrange components in a particular manner. LayoutManager is an interface that is implemented by all the classes of layout managers. There are following classes that represents the layout managers:
- java.awt.BorderLayout
- java.awt.FlowLayout
- java.awt.GridLayout
- java.awt.CardLayout
- java.awt.GridBagLayout
- javax.swing.BoxLayout
- javax.swing.GroupLayout
- javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
- javax.swing.SpringLayout etc.
Java BorderLayout
The BorderLayout is used to arrange the components in five regions: north, south, east, west and center. Each region (area) may contain one component only. It is the default layout of frame or window. The BorderLayout provides five constants for each region:
- public static final int NORTH
- public static final int SOUTH
- public static final int EAST
- public static final int WEST
- public static final int CENTER
Constructors of BorderLayout class:
- BorderLayout(): creates a border layout but with no gaps between the components.
- JBorderLayout(int hgap, int vgap): creates a border layout with the given horizontal and vertical gaps between the components.
Example of BorderLayout class:
![BorderLayout class](
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