Friday, 9 June 2017

Java Tutorial: Annotations in java | Java annotations [repeating Annotations in Java - Schedule] ~ foundjava

Click here to watch in Youtube :

import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

 * Step 1: Declare a Repeatable Annotation Type
 * The annotation type must be marked with the
 * @Repeatable meta-annotation.
 * The value of the @Repeatable meta-annotation, in
 * parentheses, is the type of the container
 * annotation that the Java compiler generates to
 * store repeating annotations. In this example, the
 * containing annotation type is Schedules, so
 * repeating @Schedule annotations is stored in an
 * @Schedules annotation.

@interface Schedule

        String dayOfMonth() default "first";

        String dayOfWeek() default "Mon";

        int hour() default 12;

 * Step 2: Declare the Containing Annotation Type
 * The containing annotation type must have a value element
 * with an array type. The component type of the array type
 * must be the repeatable annotation type.
@interface Schedules
        Schedule[] value();

@Schedule(dayOfMonth = "second", dayOfWeek = "Tue", hour = 17)
@Schedule(dayOfMonth = "third", dayOfWeek = "Wed", hour = 24)
public class ServerRestartSchedule

public class RepeatingAnnotations

    public static void main(String[] args)

         * Retrieving Annotations using Reflection API
         * method
        Schedules schedules = ServerRestartSchedule.class
        Schedule[] scheduleArray = schedules.value();
        for (Schedule schedule : scheduleArray)
            System.out.println(schedule + " , dayOfMonth = "
                    + schedule.dayOfMonth() + " , dayOfWeek = "
                    + schedule.dayOfWeek() + " , hour = " + schedule.hour());

@Schedules(value=[@Schedule(hour=12, dayOfMonth=first, dayOfWeek=Mon), 
@Schedule(hour=17, dayOfMonth=second, dayOfWeek=Tue), 
@Schedule(hour=24, dayOfMonth=third, dayOfWeek=Wed)])

@Schedule(hour=12, dayOfMonth=first, dayOfWeek=Mon) , 
dayOfMonth = first , dayOfWeek = Mon , hour = 12

@Schedule(hour=17, dayOfMonth=second, dayOfWeek=Tue) , 
dayOfMonth = second , dayOfWeek = Tue , hour = 17

@Schedule(hour=24, dayOfMonth=third, dayOfWeek=Wed) , 
dayOfMonth = third , dayOfWeek = Wed , hour = 24
Click the below link to download the code:


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